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Thermo Scientific Nicolet iS50

The Thermo Scientific Nicolet iS50 FTIR Spectrometer is an integrated and advanced analytical instrument designed for versatility and precision in infrared spectroscopy. This spectrometer features a built-in intelligence system that automatically recognizes various sampling modules, facilitating seamless transitions between different types of analyses, such as ATR, Raman, and NIR, without manual reconfiguration. Key quantifiable attributes of the Nicolet iS50 include a high-resolution scanning capability down to 0.09 cm^-1, enabling exact spectral data acquisition. The instrument's broad spectral range extends from the far-infrared to the visible (27,000 to 15 cm^-1), covering a wide array of compound identifications and quantifications. Additionally, the system integrates a high-speed scanning mechanism that can complete scans in milliseconds, greatly enhancing productivity for routine and research applications. The Nicolet iS50 is engineered with an advanced diamond ATR with a lifespan significantly exceeding traditional ATR crystals, improving durability and reducing maintenance needs. It also supports automated software for data analysis, providing robust tools for spectral manipulation, library searching, and regulatory compliance, making it ideal for high-throughput environments and stringent analytical demands.