Genevac is a subsidiary of [url=http://www.labwrench.com/?manufacturer.view/manufacturerNo/936/SP-Scientific/]SP Scientific[/url] [b]World leaders in Centrifugal Evaporator and Sample Concentrator technology.[/b] Genevac's high performance centrifugal solvent evaporator systems are designed for use in chemistry, biology and analytical science applications and are in use in laboratories worldwide. Our centrifugal evaporator product range starts with the "Third Generation" EZ-2 Series of personal centrifugal evaporators. Designed specifically for solvent removal in life science research, be that concentration of samples or complete drying - now with fully optimisable methods and nitric acid resistance. Also included in this range are the HT Series II Systems, and the HT-24 Workstation for production environments. The miVac sample concentrator range is designed for Molecular Biology, providing very high performance coupled with ease of use and occupying the minimum of laboratory space. As part of our continuous programme of collaborative research and development, we introduced the Rocket™ Solvent Evaporator to our range. A very fast evaporation system specifically designed to rapidly evaporate up to 6 flasks of up to 450ml. See the full range of our sample preparation products on our product page and new product pages. In Europe, Africa & Asia, Genevac provides applications, technical and service support for our Partner Products from SP Scientific these include: Freeze Driers, Recirculating Chillers, Controlled Rate Freezers, & Glassware Washers. SP Scientific runs a monthly webinar on aspects of Freeze Drying - covering a different topic each time. Past webinars are recorded and can be viewed after the event.
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