Idaho Technology Inc.

  Idaho Technology is a privately held company and home to the fastest, highest-quality machines in the world for pathogen identification and DNA analysis; including DNA amplification, real-time PCR, Hi-Res Melting®, mutation detection and genotyping. Our complement of products includes the R.A.P.I.D.®, R.A.P.I.D. LT, and RAZOR® EX Systems and the LightScanner®, LightScanner 32 and FilmArray® Instruments along with an expanding line of freeze-dried reagents and DNA/RNA purification and test kits. IT BioChem, a division of Idaho Technology, offers a complete list of probes, primers and melting dyes for the LightCycler®, LightScanner, and other real-time PCR instruments. Now in our twentieth year, we are making great strides to ensure that our products remain efficient and user-friendly.

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