New and used Olympus IMMOIL-F30CC's for sale on LabX below. Find the ad listing you need and get price quotes from a variety of vendors.

Olympus IMMOIL-F30CC

Low auto-fluorescence immersion oil which generates images in fluorescence microscopy with a high S/N ratio. The ability to reduce the auto-fluorescence that is normally associated with immersion oil makes this product well suited for fluorescence microscopy. Reduced noise (auto-fluorescence) results in an increased signal-to-noise ratio for better fluorescent observation. Temporal change of auto-fluorescence is reduced. This is especially useful in quantitative observations of single-molecule fluorescence, which can be easily affected by noise. Resistance to crystallization allows it to be used over long periods of time. (Durability testing guarantees usability for 14 days at 40 °C) The refraction index is the same as other Olympus products, assuring simple integration with existing microscopy systems.
1 Listings found for Olympus IMMOIL-F30CC