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Qiagen BioRobot 8000

The BioRobot 8000 automates liquid handling and sample processing, enabling flexible high-throughput purification of DNA, RNA, or recombinant proteins, as well as reaction setup and reaction cleanup. Fully automated protocols enable standardized processing and help to eliminate variation caused by handling errors, particularly when processing a large number of samples.        

The BioRobot 8000 provides walkaway purification of nucleic acids and proteins plus reaction setup. Proven QIAGEN chemistries enable purification of plasmid DNA from E. coli, genomic DNA from swabs, RNA from tissues and cells, 6xHis-tagged proteins from bacterial and insect cell cultures as well as purification of DNA from amplification reactions.       

Innovative instrument features such as the high-speed dispensing system, deliver precision liquid handling and short run times (see figure "The high-speed dispensing system ensures precise and accurate dispensing of liquids"). Automated vacuum processing eliminates centrifugation steps, saving hands-on time and ensuring an efficient, streamlined workflow (see figure "Automated vacuum processing provides reproducibly high nucleic acid yields").       

Upgrade packages for new applications provide increased flexibility, allowing you to adapt the BioRobot 8000 to new or changing research needs.

7 Listings found for Qiagen BioRobot 8000

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