Oven applications are very diverse, but it is possible to break down their uses into three main categories: Drying, Baking and Curing. Luckily, Shel Lab offers all three types and more! Find online auctions and classified ads for Shel Lab products and more on the LabX Marketplace. Browse ads and contact the seller directly or request a quote for more details. Buy and Sell Shel Lab Equipment and Accessories today on LabX!
The SHEL LAB clean air oven incorporates all the special features needed for high temperature cleanroom work: an all heliarc-welded stainless steel interior, two adjustable perforated stainless steel shelves, rapid heat recovery, and two separate LED digital displays for time and temperature that show set point or up-to-the-second process information. The controller provides a 24-step ramp and soak, 0.1°C control, and multiple levels of operator access. A sealed membrane touch-pad control panel protects the controllers.
These units also have three adjustable air intake and exhaust ducts that are easily removed for cleaning and allow the use of either room or recirculated air. The SHEL LAB cleanroom oven is made with 3.5 inches of high-temperature, wrap-around insulation and a high-temperature silicone door gasket.