New and used Shimadzu ICPE-9000's for sale on LabX below. Find the ad listing you need and get price quotes from a variety of vendors.

Shimadzu ICPE-9000

Shimadzu´s new simultaneous ICPE-9000 can be used in application stages for a wide range of high-precision analytical assessments from high-level R&D to environmental management analysis to high-concentration component analysis. The ICPE-9000 utilizes a large-scale CCD detector, an Echelle spectrometer, as well as an extremely stable vacuum spectrometer, which enables stable performance over extended periods. The ICPE-9000´s innovative Mini Torch minimizes cost by reducing consumption of argon gas to half that of conventional torches.              

The ICPE-9000 features easy-to-use, innovative ICPE solution Software, which offers such features as a Method Development Assistant, a Diagnosis Assistant, and more.

2 Listings found for Shimadzu ICPE-9000