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The FormacsSERIES Total Organic Carbon / Total Nitrogen analyzers offer the perfect solution when there is a need for rapid and reliable tests for carbon and/or nitrogen in samples coming from a variety of natural, domestic and industrial sources. A choice of analyzers is available offering the High Temperature Combustion technique or the UV-promoted persulfate digestion methodology.
The FormacsHT Total Organic Carbon / Total Nitrogen high temperature catalytic combustion system features a versatile modular design and excellent performance for the analysis of TC, TIC, TOC, DOC and NPOC. This design was developed to conform to latest customer requirements and allows the determination of TOC in clean waters such as pharmaceutical - and drinking waters but also performing equally well for the analysis of waste, surface, seawater and soil extracts.
The Total Organic Carbon analyzer can be operated as a stand-alone analyzer where sample and standard solutions are introduced directly through a rotary septumless injection port for analysis of Total Carbon (TC) and Total Inorganic Carbon (TIC). For larger sample numbers an optional random access auto-sampler is available for complete automation of the TOC determination. The auto-sampler is available with different carrousels for vials with different volumes. Sample pre-treatment for NPOC determination is fully controlled by the operation software and can be set in preferred mode by the operator. The instrument has the possibility with a dual needle set-up to acidify and purge the following sample while analyzing the current one, which saves valuable analysis time.
The FormacsHT Total Organic Carbon / Total Nitrogen analyzer can also combine the automation of TOC, TN and TKN all in one system by extending the system with the ND20 Total Nitrogen detector. For detailed information about the measurement of TN and TKN please check the FormacsTN description.
The FormacsLT Total Organic Carbon (TOC) Analyzer is Skalar's latest model low temperature TOC analyzer. It is particularly suitable for complex sample matrices in a wide variety of applications including drinking, ground, sea, and surface waters. Compact for minimum bench space, the fully automated analyzer gives results every four minutes. The easy to use Windows based software has real time graphics and the ability to store multi-range calibration curves. The analyzer includes a fully integrated random access sampler with a capacity of 80 sample positions and a sample stirrer.
Complying with all international standards such as ISO, EPA 415.2, Standard Methods 5310C, USP , ASTM D4779 and USEPA 9060
The FormacsTN Analyzer uses the ND20 Total Nitrogen detector for the analysis of Total Nitrogen (TN). Total Nitrogen can be measured in a range from low ppb levels to high ppm levels with high accuracy in a short analysis time using chemiluminescence detection (CLD).
The sample is injected into the high temperature furnace where it is catalytically combusted at 850°C. Oxidative pyrolysis causes the chemically bound nitrogen to be converted to nitric oxide, which is measured by CLD The Formacs TN analyzer also provides a unique cost-effective and safer alternative for Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen (TKN) analysis, by an integrated NN-reactor for the analysis of NO3 + NO2 (NN). The TKN value is determined in two steps, i.e. the analysis of Total Nitrogen (TN) and the analysis of NO3 + NO2 via chemical reduction, where NO3 and NO2 are reduced to nitric oxide (NO) and detected via CLD detection. The TKN value is obtained automatically by subtraction: TKN = TN - NN. This unique alternative method of TKN analysis results in a very fast analysis time (5 min.), and eliminates the use of hazardous digestion acids.
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