Buy and sell stereotaxic instruments for your research lab and neuroscience applications and choose from a wide variety of vendors. LabX is a marketpalce for new and used micromanipulators, stereotaxic frames, stereotaxic bars, and much more.

Stereotaxic Instruments

The model 963 Ultra Precise Small Animal Stereotaxic device is designed to bring new standards of positioning precision to the small animal stereotaxic field.           

  • The instrument consists of the standard Kopf rugged "U" frame assembly. Affixed to the "U" frame is one Model 961 Ultra Precise Micro Manipulator. Model 1770 Electrode Holder with corner clamp is included.
  • The vertical and lateral slides are mounted on a massive universal joint that is calibrated in two planes.
  • Very close tolerances are held in production with all dovetail slides precision ground. This along with backlash-free drive screws and the sheer mass of the manipulators, assures the most accurate placement of electrodes. Screws are rendered backlash free by use of split spring-loaded nuts.
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