New and used ZEISS EVO LS 10's for sale on LabX. Purchase and get quotes on the products you need for your lab. Choose from a variety of vendors.


The EVO® LS 10 will be the SEM of choice for many users.

It is an outstanding solution to the challenges of Life Science imaging. Artefact free imaging of specimens from the Life Sciences is ensured with water vapour introduction and the optional Coolstage.

With environmental control capability as standard, and easy to use SmartSEM software, the EVO® LS 10 offers a perfect imaging solution to the Life Science community. From amoeba to zooplankton, the EVO® LS 10 will provide a new imaging experience for the Life Sciences. The optional LaB6 source provides stable high brightness operation that is particularly well matched to the imaging in humid environments.

2 Listings found for ZEISS EVO LS 10