Balances are fundamental tools in laboratories for accurately measuring the mass of substances, ensuring precision in research, development, and quality control processes. These instruments are essential in fields such as pharmaceuticals, chemistry, and food science, where accurate weight measurements are crucial for reproducibility and compliance with industry standards. LabX.com is the premier marketplace for buying and selling new, used, and refurbished balances. Browse a wide selection of analytical, precision, and microbalances available for purchase online, or request a quote directly from one of our many trusted vendors. You can find products from top manufacturers like Mettler Toledo, Sartorius, and Ohaus.
Prices for new balances vary depending on the type, precision, and features of the equipment. Analytical balances typically range from $1,000 to $10,000, with high-precision models at the upper end of the spectrum. Precision balances generally cost between $500 and $5,000, while microbalances, which offer the highest precision, can range from $10,000 to $30,000. For those looking for more budget-friendly options, used balances are available, typically priced between $200 and $7,000, depending on the condition, brand, and specific capabilities of the unit.
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