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Thermo Scientific TSQ Endura Triple Quadrupole Mass Spectrometer (203-7104)

Sold By: BioSurplus, Inc.


California, US




Thermo Scientific


TSQ Endura Triple Quadrupole Mass Spectr




Mass Spectrometer


California, US




Thermo Scientific


TSQ Endura Triple Quadrupole Mass Spectr




Mass Spectrometer


Shipping Information

Location: California, US

Item Weight: 0.00 lbs

Return Policy: 

RETURNS, PRODUCT GUARANTEES AND POLICIES a. 30-Day Money-Back Guarantee - In the event the Quote specifies a 30 Day Money Back Guarantee for Product, BioSurplus will either repair the item or provide a full refund. Customer must notify BioSurplus in writing prior to the date of Product Acceptance and returning the Product(s) no later than fifteen (15) days thereafter. Unless otherwise agreed to in writing by BioSurplus, Customer shall be responsible for all packaging and shipping charges for returned Product(s). 30-Day Money-Back Guarantee only applies to items purchased and shipped within the United States by an end user (i.e. not a reseller). b. As-Is - Unless otherwise specified in the quote, all products and services are sold "As-Is." In the event the Quote specifies a warranty period for the Product backed directly by BioSurplus, Customer shall notify BioSurplus in writing prior to the conclusion of the warranty period and resolve any Product defect or non- conformance issues directly with BioSurplus. BioSurplus will, at its sole discretion, repair the affected Product or replace it with a comparable product. If BioSurplus determines in its discretion that a Product must be returned to BioSurplus for repair or replacement, Customer agrees to return such Product no later than fifteen (15) days following such determination. BioSurplus shall pay the expenses for packaging and shipping to Customer any repaired or replaced Product. Unless BioSurplus agrees otherwise, Customer shall pay the expenses for packaging and shipping to BioSurplus any Product returned for service or replacement pursuant to this policy. All Product warranties given by BioSurplus will expire at the end of the warranty period and will not be revised or extended upon the repair or replacement of the Product to which the warranty pertains. The aforementioned notwithstanding, in the event Customer assumes responsibility for packaging or shipping the Product(s) and/or for picking-up the Product(s), BioSurplus shall not be responsible for any damages to Product(s) that BioSurplus at its sole discretion deems were incurred during packaging or shipping to Product. THE WARRANTIES IN THESE TERMS ARE EXCLUSIVE AND BIOSURPLUS MAKES NO OTHER WARRANTIES EXPRESS OR IMPLIED HEREUNDER. BIOSURPLUS SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS (WITHOUT LIMITATION) IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR NON- INFRINGEMENT WITH RESPECT TO THE PRODUCT. IN NO EVENT SHALL BIOSURPLUS BE LIABLE TO CUSTOMER FOR ANY INDIRECT, SPECIAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, OR INCIDENTAL DAMAGES, HOWEVER CAUSED, WHETHER FOR BREACH OF WARRANTY, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE, EVEN IF BIOSURPLUS HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES.

BioSurplus, Inc.

California, US

LabX Member Since February 15th, 2011

BioSurplus, Inc. provides companies in the biotech / pharmaceutical industry with surplus asset management services, liquidation services, and surplus equipment sales. We are proud to have been selected as a Business Solutions Partner by the Biotechnology Industry Organization, demonstrating our commitment to excellence in our industry.

Listing SKU: LV41017665

Date Listed: June 30th, 2020

Last Updated: November 3rd, 2020

Please Inquire for Price

See Shipping Information

Listing SKU: LV41017665

Date Listed: June 30th, 2020

Last Updated: November 3rd, 2020

Listing SKU: LV41017665

Date Listed: June 30th, 2020

Last Updated: November 3rd, 2020

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