Supporting Science in Developing Countries is proud to support Seeding Labs, a Boston-based charitable organization that contributes scientific resources worldwide to developing countries and promotes global development in science. is the world’s largest online marketer of new and used laboratory equipment, making it easy to sell surplus, used, or previous models. Labs or companies that lack the time to sell their equipment or have room to spare in their corporate philanthropy should consider donating equipment to Seeding Labs.

Dr. Robert Lillianfeld, Director of Corporate Relations at Seeding Labs, notes that as of October, the organization has received $2 million worth of donated lab equipment (market value equivalent) in 2016. However, the demand for resources in laboratories across the globe is climbing. Most of the donations come from corporate donors—primarily equipment manufacturers and bio-pharmaceutical companies. Although Seeding Labs hopes to increase their reach within these two sectors, Dr. Lillianfeld notes that increasing donations from the food testing, plastics manufacturing, and university sectors is a priority.

Dr. Lillianfeld adds that universities—even well-endowed ones—are "good reuse ecosystems", with most of their equipment getting used until they break or get replaced by newer models, leaving the older models to be down-cycled to a new faculty member or to a student teaching lab. The ‘recycling’ aspect of universities’ operations fits with Seeding Labs environmental philosophy of “recycle and reuse”, but the concern lingers that good, used equipment sometimes ends up in storage—and forgotten. Universities especially are encouraged to check out their “closets” and consider donating the excess.

Bunsen burners, microscopes, HPLC systems, and mass spectrometers to name a few, are in high demand for our fellow scientists to further research on global and local disease, environmental issues, pharmaceutical advancement and most importantly, to teach the next generation of scientists. When Seeding Labs receives 25-30 of the same model microscope, it makes for a perfect donation to a microbiology teaching lab.

Through Seeding Labs’ Instrumental Access program, applicants (mostly from educational institutes) apply for the opportunity to be selected for equipment that pertains to their specific needs and goals, much like a nonprofit being awarded a grant. Applicants must demonstrate both need and ability to conduct essential teaching lessons or research with the requested equipment. In 2016, 15-20 out of 65 applications were approved for the program.

Want to help? Consider these points:

  • Donated equipment can be anything that a ‘wet lab’ can use in biological, chemical, agricultural, or pharmaceutical research
  • Equipment must be in good working order
  • Seeding Labs’ corporate sponsors can repair equipment to working order pro bono prior to donation
  • Contact Seeding Labs by phone at +1-617-500-3014 or by email at first to determine if they can accept the donation
  • Seeding Labs can accept donations of equipment from within the United States
  • Seeding Labs does accept monetary donations from around the world

Seeding Labs has been featured in Scientific American, Lab Manager,, and more. Learn more about Seeding Labs by reading the articles below:

Scientific American: If You Want to Cure All Diseases, Include All of the World's Scientists by Nina Dudnik, Seeding Labs founder and CEO, October 2016

Seeding Labs Program Empowers Global Research by Nina Dudnik, September 2016.

Seeding Labs Celebrates 100 Tons of Equipment Shipped by Seeding Labs, July 2016

5 Reasons to Partner with Seeding Labs by Rachel Muenz, May 2016

Local scientists creating global impacts in agriculture by Nina Dudnik, February 2016